
We Are Meadowbrook

On Sunday, just one week since our school burned to the ground, we gathered to mourn the loss of our building and its contents. Much of the wreckage has been removed but a huge pile of debris remains piled on the concrete foundation behind a chain link fence. For some, on their first visit, the sight was overwhelming and tears flowed.

Play is Serious Business

Imaginative play is essential for the healthy physical, emotional, social, and academic development of the child. Waldorf Education recognizes that when children are given a safe and beautiful environment they use the power of their own imaginations to create learning experiences. Hasbro invited Meadowbrook kindergarten teacher, Su Rubinoff, to share her expertise with its innovation design team.

Finding Balance: Honoring Childhood While Educating for the Future

Waldorf Education, founded in 1919 and based on the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner, achieves a balanced education by offering a developmentally appropriate curriculum that both supports children where they are in the moment, and prepares them for their next phase of development. This curriculum unites academics with the arts, movement, practical work, and a deep respect for the natural world.

The Art of Story Telling to the Preschool Child

One special part of a Waldorf Early Childhood experience is the use of puppetry to tell a story. The teacher is able to express a variety of deep story themes and soul moods with the simplest of gestures. The magic for the viewer, whether they are young or old, is that the atmosphere surrounding the story is held with complete reverence and respect. Lighting a candle and singing a simple song marks the beginning of this special time.