choosing a school

A Different Spring Semester for Middle School

A Different Spring Semester for Middle School

Kristina Boving became a class teacher at MWS in 2006 and led the MWS Class of 2014 from Grade One through Grade Eight. She then took the Class of 2019 from fourth grade through their graduation last summer before taking over as class teacher for the seventh grade class that will graduate from MWS in June of 2021. In this post, Kristina reflects on the ending to a very different Spring semester.

A Letter to Parents in a Time of Unrest

Early Childhood teacher, Su Rubinoff writes regularly to the parents in her class. With parents already challenged to provide their children with a sense of safety and stability due to the pandemic, Su wrote to offer support in addressing tensions arising from recent terrible events in Minneapolis and elsewhere.

Travel, Adventure and a Passion for the Environment

Sarah Cabot-Miller graduated from MWS in 2010. We are delighted that she remains a regular visitor at our events and look forward to hearing more about her life as her career unfolds.

An Alum Reflects on His Journey

Deven Bussey is the eldest of five siblings who have attended, or still attend, MWS. We are glad that our alumni stay in touch and share their news with us. Here, Deven reflects on how his Meadowbrook experience prepared him for his unique career path.

About the Fire of July 29, 2018

In the early morning hours of Sunday, July 29 fire broke out at Meadowbrook Waldorf School in Richmond, Rhode Island. The fire was caused by a lightning strike that also destroyed the electrical and telephone systems needed to activate the alarm and emergency response. Despite the efforts of 250 fire fighters from 22 towns, the building was declared a total loss and the remains were demolished.