
A Letter to Parents in a Time of Unrest

Early Childhood teacher, Su Rubinoff writes regularly to the parents in her class. With parents already challenged to provide their children with a sense of safety and stability due to the pandemic, Su wrote to offer support in addressing tensions arising from recent terrible events in Minneapolis and elsewhere.

Third Grade Farm Trip

The farm trip meets the developing nine-year old in many important ways. For most of my students, this was their first extended time away from their family. The nine-year old is developing an individual interior world; for the first time they realize that they can have thoughts and experiences that are theirs alone.

What is Advent? What is an Advent Spiral?

We have just entered into the season of Advent. Traditionally celebrated the four Sundays before the winter solstice, it marks a time of introspection as we all await the return of the sun and lengthening days. This seasonal remembrance of light takes place in many cultures across the globe. At our Waldorf school, we mark this season with weekly Advent spiral walks.

Martinmas - A Path to our Inner Light

Autumn is a time to reflect on our inner selves, to find the inner light that will carry us through this time of darkness. It can be a time to look forward to, with its opportunity to know ourselves in a deeper way. Waldorf schools mark this season of inner searching with three fall festivals to help guide us on this path of introspection.

A Different Approach to Financial Aid

Part of the Mission Statement of the Meadowbrook Waldorf School reads, “We strive to offer this education to those who seek it here…” One of the ways MWS supports this part of the mission is through financial aid, and like many things at a Waldorf School, we do it a little differently. For one thing, we call it “adjustment” not “aid,” and this is quite purposeful.