Classroom Insights

Eighth Grade Project Night

The Meadowbrook journey is marked by many traditions and rites of passage. MWS students grow up watching the activities and accomplishments of the older students knowing that, one day, it will be their turn. In this very different school year, we are doing all we can to continue our best loved traditions albeit in new ways.

A Familiar Visitor from the Narragansett Tribe

Jayden Mishquawtuk Mars, MWS alum and Narragansett and Ojibwe Tribal Member, visited Grade 4 as part of their studies of Rhode Island. Jayden is a youth ambassador for the Narragansetts and spoke and danced for the class.

We Are Meadowbrook

On Sunday, just one week since our school burned to the ground, we gathered to mourn the loss of our building and its contents. Much of the wreckage has been removed but a huge pile of debris remains piled on the concrete foundation behind a chain link fence. For some, on their first visit, the sight was overwhelming and tears flowed.

St. Nikolaus Day at Meadowbrook Waldorf School

The children in the lower grades were busy yesterday tidying their rooms and placing their shoes out neatly in anticipation for a visit from Saint Nicholas. This morning those eager boys and girls found treasures of clementines and small shells in their shoes waiting for them, sometimes with a hint of glitter left behind from their secret visitor.